Grants for Students

SOM: Beyond the Structure
Colegio de Architectos de Madrid (COAM)
Courtesy of Mark Sarkisian

Grant awards focus on university students seeking support for residencies and/or research relative to extended study in the arts and engineering.  Funding is available for travel, materials, physical testing, and time for key initiatives.  Students must demonstrate innovative ideas, value of the work, and financial need. Interested students must clearly define their reasons, aspirations, and application of the residency and/or research to their areas of interest. Summary of findings is required after completion of work. 

Grants for Institutions

Museum für Gestaltung - Zürich
Courtesy of Victoria Sarkisian

Funding is available to recognized and registered non-profit institutions that support the arts and engineering.  The institutions must be focused on education through instruction, research, or initiatives that seek to elevate learning. Institutions may include but are not limited to universities, high schools, academies, research institutions, supporters of the arts, etc. Funding support will vary based on need and programs.  Continued support on a multi-year basis is available.